About us

From the beginning, Antonella Strömberg and Iñaki Escudero had a natural knack for storytelling, deeply connected to the narratives their heritage. Being fluent in several languages, they could dive into and share stories from all over the world. Childhood was a rich tapestry of creativity, filled with the joy of crafting their own stories, the excitement of narrating them, writing them and sometimes even singing them. This has shaped their journey, enriching their lives and those around them with stories that bridge worlds and connect hearts.

Their love for storytelling evolved in unique ways. Iñaki would get lost in his imagination during chemistry class, while Antonella found herself drawn to Italian poetry and writing about her travels.

After finishing college, Iñaki moved to New York to study filmmaking, turning his daydreams into stories on screen. His talent for storytelling grew, along with his creative vision.

Antonella spent time working in marketing and communications in Stockholm, at first wondering about its impact until she finally discovered the real power of branding. They met in 2022 and co-founded The Real Hero in 2023.

What sets them apart is the time they've spent digging into what makes a good story and understanding why some brands are better at storytelling than others. They've concluded that storytelling is a commitment a brand can make to stand out.

They often wonder why more brands don't use storytelling, seeing it as a secret weapon to make anything more engaging and interesting. (Really, they do wonder!)

They want to help you and your brand build epic storytelling brands, and if you let them, you will help them fulfill a life-long dream: To one day gather around a campfire and share amazing adventures and epic dramas while friendships are formed.

We provide clarity of purpose to leaders and founders.

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In the quiet of Japan's 16th century, a legendary figure named Musashi emerged, renowned for his unmatched skill as a samurai and his deep wisdom.

His approach to life, rooted in steadfast practice and discipline, inspires us at The Real Hero. Musashi's renowned work, "The Book of Five Rings," encapsulates his philosophy through the lens of martial arts, emphasizing the importance of fundamentals, adaptability, confidence, harmony, and clarity.

His life was guided by the Bushido code, a set of principles that governed the samurai way of life. This period of history, known for its valour and peace, reminds us that there's more to life than just economic success.

At The Real Hero, we draw from Musashi's legacy, aspiring to master our craft with integrity and purpose, influenced by the wisdom of the past. His teachings encourage us to build narratives that are not only successful but also meaningful and principled.